Objective: Students will identify 4 voices (speaking, whisper, singing, calling).
Musical Concepts: Pitch Exploration, Steady beat, Locomotor and Stationary movement, Traditional Danish Folk Dance
Other developmental goals: Balancing on one foot, Imaginary play, Counting to 5, Rhyming words, Discussing routines
Materials: Tambourine, "Seven Jumps" recording from Shenanigans Dance Music for Children Level I, "Today is Monday" by Eric Carle
Sing Hello (Simple Greeting Song)
Mrs. Meggie, Wake Up! (Pitch Exploration and 4 Voices Story)
This is the Day that the Lord Has Made (Praise Song with Tambourine)
2 Little Sausages (Folk rhyme with steady beat)
Brush Your Teeth (Counting Song)
"Seven Jumps" (Guided movement to recorded music)
Morning Prayer (Spoken prayer)
Sing Goodbye (Simple Song)